3 Proven Ways To Improve Dev Focus
Focus is the most precious thing your developers have. Here are 3 musts for every engineering org.
Flow can mean many things but when it comes to workflow it usually refers to that feeling, discussed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, when you enter a state of intense focus and lose yourself in an activity.
Video games are a great example. They take advantage of this feeling to keep you immersed, which is why it’s so easy for gamers to “lose time” and just get wrapped up. The same feeling usually drives your most productive and best work.
When you manage developers, their workflow should be treasured and valued. That’s why, to improve developer focus, it’s vital to avoid weighing them down with minor interruptions or non-urgent pings.
“Flow is characterized as this experience where the task that you're doing is perfectly matched to the skills that you have.”
-Katie Wilde on the Dev Interrupted Podcast
1. Acknowledge that it takes 23 minutes for devs just to get into flow
Did you know that it takes 23 minutes to get into a flow state? For some people it takes even longer. That means that for every question, disruption, email, and interruption that you or your coworkers are subjected to, it could be half an hour of productivity down the drain. We talked to Katie Wilde, VP of Engineering at Ambassador Labs, about how she manages workflow
“Say you got a Slack ping, and you're like, ‘oh, I'll just ask a question.’ How long does it take you to find the thread again? What's that total interrupt time? It's 23 minutes… that's been measured.”
- Katie Wilde
2. Defrag dev calendars
Some interruptions are unavoidable but many of them aren’t. Planning your calendar in a way that works around the needs and workflows of your team is necessary to maximize everyone's productivity.
For instance, scheduling meetings on days when weekly meetings already occur can help preserve focus time by not disrupting other working days.
Devs need to communicate with their managers on what times they have available away from normal workflow and then it’s up to engineering leaders to plan around those schedules. As a dev leader, you have to look at your devs’ calendars, not your own, and react accordingly.
“If you're a manager, when you're scheduling, don't look at your calendar, and then find a time and then see where you can slot the engineer in… look at the engineer's calendar and see, where can you tack the meeting on that it is after another meeting, or it is maybe at the start of the day, the end of the day… and ask them!”
-Katie Wilde
3. Suck it up - schedule your work around focus time
When managing large numbers of devs, it can seem like a chore to work around many different schedules or attempt to get meetings done only on specific days. We asked Katie what her trick to juggling so many different calendars and meetings was, and she had one thing to say: “Suck it up.”
Devs are the backbone of software production and it’s important to prioritize their productivity whenever possible. To help them stay on task and be able to really focus on their work, they need to have meetings planned around their day - not yours.
Providing consistency for your devs - meeting them when they are ready, available, and focused - helps them maintain a flow state and maximize productivity. But more than that, it’s the right thing to do. Devs want to build cool stuff, not have their days ruined by their own calendars.
Katie says it best:
“That might mean that, as the manager, you have a little bit weirder hours. I hate to say this, but kind of suck it up… There's no way to get around that.”
- Katie Wilde
What Happens When You Maximize Dev Focus? Read “What Metrics Make Engineering Teams Elite: A Free Look Inside The Top 10% Of Engineering Orgs”
LinearB analyzed over 2,000 dev teams to create a free, exclusive report tracking what engineering metrics make teams elite. The report goes into detail on:
How elite engineering teams measure their performance beyond DORA metrics.
What makes engineering teams elite in terms of the development lifecycle, developer workflow, and business alignment?
Explore how your team stacks up in terms of metrics like cycle time, deployment frequency, and planning accuracy.
Learn what tools elite software teams use to hit these industry-leading benchmarks.
Useful, I've already used 2 and 3 items but first quite surprised me , definitely will read the PDF
great post!
I'd say that from the developer's end, he/she could do the following to increase the focus hours:
- use the Pomodoro technique
- block personal calendar slots for productive time
- keep dedicated time slots to reply to any queries via Slack or email